Thursday, August 2, 2012

That's My Boy

August 31

My boy wants to paddle with me!  That's awesome!  Or crud, I have to look for another kayak.  And one that fits a 11 year old twig.  He's skinnier than the paddle.  Well thanks to an internet classifieds site (you know which one I'm talking about), I found one not too far away.  I pick it up and take my boy out to where I first learned to kayak - good ol' Bonney (peanut) Lake.

This is the Perception Carolina SP.  I don't think they make them anymore but its a bare bones plastic tube with a seat carved into it.  Well at least it floats. 

After he gets a feel of the kayak and has learned how to steer it, I take him to a bigger pond to play in.  This is Clear Lake and it's a warm water lake.  He spent most of his time jumping into the water and climbing back (cowboy style mind you) into his kayak than he did paddling. 

                                                   Thumbs Up! That's a good sign right?

                                                         Yep, still smiling.  So is he :-)

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