Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mayfield Lake

Sep 24, 2011

My first paddle with the cool kids!  We headed to Mayfield lake and paddled to the Cowlitz river.  First time experiencing eddys.  Didn't know if I liked them not.  Let's say I liked them after I was through them.  It was about a 14 mile paddle I think - maybe it just felt like it. 
                                                        Here's some of the crew launching

Nice little layer of fog hovering over the water

Like a rain forest

Another bridge to go under.  Nice calm waters here.  I wasn't able to unwrap my white knuckles from my paddle to take pics of the eddies or the fast moving currents from the river.

Found a grassy spot for lunch.  First time I got out of my kayak in front of the group and guess who fell into the water?  Yup.
All in all, it was a pretty terrific first time paddling as a group.  Great paddle, great company.  Can't wait for next time!

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